Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hello family!

Here we can discuss our discovery and journey in exploring our family tree. The idea is to have one place we can access, share, post and follow; but, we'll see where this takes us!

Notice on the right side there are several links to make this more intuitive. You can sign up to get the posts via email, you can "join" this blog so you can post, etc., and as we add things, we will be able to search by names, keywords, etc. As we continue to add information, this will grow and we will talk about how we want expand this of our use. The key is, our use. We can post what we like, what we find relevant, what we want to know; we can add pictures, stories, etc. This shall become our family librarian, at least while we are early in our journey. 

A few requests;
1. Please always sign whatever you post. This will allow us to follow those little threads of information. You never know when you're thread of information can unlock something greater, and we may need to ask questions!

2. Please cite your sources, if possible. No worries, I'm not asking for FMLA sourcing; just list where you got it, or who told you. This helps with tracking and validity. It will also help us put entire pictures together later down the line.

3. When possible, add the color to our black and white picture by telling stories or odd bits. Really, how interesting is it to know that our 5th great grandfather was John Doe? Isn't more interesting to know he was a cotton farmer with twenty seven children and only one wife who was chair ridden after the thirteenth child. Upon his death, all his children had positions necessary to execute a funeral, (minister, undertaker, lawyer, florist, etc.) so his funeral was of no cost. Amazingly, just after his burial, his wife, apparently miraculously healed, jumped out of her wheelchair and skipped home, realizing she was safe from pregnancy and never sat still again. (*This story, if you can't tell, is completely fictionalized; although we do have some big families following up the tree, and I hurt for those women!) In short, we hope to compile who our family is, which is more than just a name and location. 

4. When you find resources we can link to, please let me know and I'll add them to our list on the right side. I am primarily using Ancestry.com; however, with field trips to libraries and other sources, we are adding more and more information.

So, here we go!


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